PPC Minutes 270121-1.docx

Holy Cross Parish




 27th January 2021

ATTENDEES:                                           APOLOGIES:                

Fr. John Martin      President                             Krystyna Szmukala

Chris Wisniewski    Chair                                   Sue Hanson Hanson

Vivien Flynn          Secretary                            

Bill Flynn                                                         

Lisa Hunka                                                       



Opening prayer by Father John was followed by Chris welcoming the parish council to the Zoom Meeting.


Matters Arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 16th December 2020.

Work required in the Presbytery.

Father said he had spoken to Catherine Scholes and Rachel Oxspring, the property manager for the diocese, regarding the work required in the bedrooms and bathrooms of the presbytery.  It was suggested that the damage has been caused by the current occupants, but it was pointed out that only two people at a time have been living in the premises for the past 12 years and the new occupants are a family of six, using showers etc. several times a day.  All damage is on walls that are adjacent to outside walls and there is no cavity wall insulation.

Following a surprise visit from the agents, it was confirmed that although the downstairs rooms of the property are in good condition the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms are showing signs of damp, which urgently requires attention.  The ceilings and walls in the bathrooms are wallpapered and this requires removal, treatment and painting with mould inhibiting paint.  The main bathroom will benefit from an extractor fan. It was agreed that the work should proceed without delay, but only the bathrooms at this stage.  If the treatment proves successful, the bedrooms will be treated.

Clergy Salary

It has been agreed at Diocesan level that Father Johns salary should be split 60/40, being 60% payable by Our Lady’s, Bulwell and 40% by Holy Cross, Hucknall.



Liturgy and Worship

Father John expressed a desire to Live steam Mass from Holy Cross, Hucknall every two weeks, alternating between Our Lady’s Bulwell and Holy Cross Hucknall.  A discussion took place regarding the benefit this would offer in the long term, allowing Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals to be Live streamed, enabling people to attend without physically being there. Father will attend Holy Cross on Friday with a technician to look at the cost implications and timeline for installation, should this go ahead. Ash Wednesday is on 17th February and he would like this facility to be available in time for the beginning of Lent.  If church is open, instructions of how to administer the ashes will be published in the Newsletter.

Father John said parishioners should be asked to lead the different liturgies and Eucharistic Ministers and Catechists should step in.  CW said he would contact parishioners to volunteer to say Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent.

BF agreed to lead one week and LH said she could arrange a group of 5 or 6 children from school.

Spiritual Support

Newsletter, reflections, bible readings etc will continue to be delivered to those who are without internet access.  All items are updated daily on the website.

Easter Triduum

This could be Live Streamed if the facility is in place. Holy Thursday watching until midnight on ZOOM.  This could be led by groups.

CAFOD Fast Day will take place on 26th February and a discussion took place as to how best to support this.  Walk for Water campaign to volunteer to do 10,000 paces daily during Lent.  Volunteers from groups could offer to do sponsored walks and Holy Cross children could help Krystyna, who has already committed herself, to share the paces using any form of steps they like. LH said this could be advertised so parents are aware and can go on the school website as an activity.

In the event of self-distancing requirements continuing at Mass, the presentation is to be read out by the reader and envelopes distributed on the benches by stewards. Walks to be shared on social media.

May Devotions

Rosary: A group to be established and led on ZOOM or Live Streamed if this is in place.

Bible Study Group

Meetings will continue via ZOOM.


Due to COVID-19 restrictions it was decided that outreach to new parishioners should be postponed until our Christmas Carol Concert in Advent.  Father suggested having an Open Day or Welcome Day for 2022.

Hucknall City of Sanctuary concert planned for June is now on hold.

Churches Together

Contact via social media only during the pandemic.


Father asked how can we inject new life into our parish after lockdown?  Pope Francis book Let Us Dream speaks of a path to a better future. The church in 2021 will be very different to the church in 2020. When we look at the future of Holy Cross, how do we bring the troops with us?  Live Stream groups could become house groups.

Father John asks for us to proactively engage in caring for older parishioners and create something for the young people of the parish.

Father John thanked Chris for arranging the ZOOM meeting and those for attending and the meeting closed.

The date for the next Parish Pastoral Council Meeting is to be arranged.